Prithwish Basu Roy                                                                               

Ph.D. Candidate, Tandon School of Engineering, New York University(NYU)(August 2022 - Present)

Research Assistant, DfX Lab, CCS NYU Abu Dhabi(Septemer 2023 - Present)

(Previously) M.S.(by Research) Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2018 - 2022)

DfX LAB|CCS NYU Abu Dhabi|RISE LAB | Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Google Scholar|LinkedIn | IIT Madras Page


About Prithwish :

Prithwish Basu Roy is currently a second-year Ph.D. Candidate at Electrical and Computer Engineering(ECE) Department of NYU Tandon School of Engineering. He is guided by Prof. Ramesh Karri and Prof. Ozgur Sinanoglu. He is also working as a Research Assistant at the Design for eXcellence(DfX) Lab of the Center of Cyber Security, NYU AD. Prithwish completed his Master of Science(by Research) degree under the guidance of Dr. Chester Rebeiro, from the Computer Science Department of IIT Madras. Prithwish's research interests lie in various topics of Hardware Security like Fault Injection Attacks and their defenses, Power Side-Channel Analysis, Hardware Trojan Detection, and threats to cyber-physical systems. Prithwish recently came third in the Hack@DAC tournament that was organized at the DAC conference in San Francisco. He co-authored A survey of Digital Manufacturing Hardware and Software Trojans, which is available in arXiv. His paper Avatar: Reinforcing Fault Attack Countermeasures in EDA with Fault Transformations was accepted in ASP-DAC 2022. He also won the first prize in the CSWAW'21 Embedded Security Challenge, India Region. Before joining IIT Madras as a research scholar Prithwish worked as Senior Systems Engineer for Infosys.

Achievements :

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